Thursday, August 30, 2012

Happy Thursday!

I am currently writing this from the biggest computer screen I've ever used in my life. 27 inches of sheer clear beauty...if only it could come home with me. ;)

Also, this is the first blog post I am adhering to the new "one space after a period" rule. I had no idea this had changed. I feel naked without that second space. Like somehow all my sentences look like run-ons now. Oh well. I will adapt. (And spend a lot of time un-spacing.)

I am scared to look at the date of my last blog post. I'm certain it was over a month ago. Some of you have written, justifiably upset at my lack of gut-spillage here on the blog. If you've missed my crazy antics, this apology is for you.

Life took over...and instead of analyzing and photographing and over-thinking, I simply just lived it. There are a few Instagram photos flying around, documenting the life I've led. There are roughly five drafts hanging around my blogspot folder full of half-hearted thoughts and paragraphs. I would start writing, but nothing felt right. No word could adequately explain this season. So I just lived it.

I've since switched small groups at church (with my hubs) which slightly broke my heart because it's sort of like choosing another family. While it was hard to say goodbye, and many tears were shed, it's been one of the best decisions we've made this year. Our new "family" has welcomed us with a warm, loving embrace and we are all the better for it. I've spent much of my time getting to know them and attending all their social events. (Our social butterfly hearts have been a-flutterin'!) This family is showing us a new level of spiritual, emotional, and physical growth and we are all too excitedly (though me sometimes begrudgingly) embracing it. My new leader is so patient. I don't even know how she does she can have a heart that big and a love that wide. I pray someday I could love like her. So selflessly.

I've been fighting for health and weight loss. I'm teetering between 10 and 11 pounds lost, but I'm fighting mostly for the ground I've gained in the process. The fight has not been with flesh and blood (though I've fought some of that lately) but with soldiers not of this world. It's exhausting...but I have no right to give up. is soaring. Not because I've had more business than I can handle...but because I've had some time off (summer is slower) to learn, regroup, grow, and dream. I've learned some new skills...spent more time editing in Photoshop (in addition to Lightroom), and just allowed myself to try something different. Things are running more smoothly because of it. Clients are more satisfied. And my creative/perfectionist heart is running wild.

Hubs and I have launched our newest endeavor. ..."Real life love, in music." That's right! We are finally doing music again. This time for real! ;) We realized we had put off our calling far too long. So we recorded the song we've been working on for 1.5 years (ugh) with some incredible friends of ours (shout out to Studiofive12!) and set out to show the world what we've got. If you visit the website, you'll get to hear the single, "Hearts Like Glass." And you can purchase it on iTunes and Amazon and all that fun stuff. Also, you can find us on FB and Twitter, etc. Your support means the world!! We've played a few shows since. Mostly covers (our favorite love songs) while we're working on more tunes. But it's good for us to get back into the swing of things musically. The scene has changed a lot since I've been there. I'm sort of glad for that.

Other than that, I've been busy downgrading the house and cleaning and organizing. I'm in the whole "less is more" phase so it's been a slow going process, but it's moving at least. I've been making all my own cleaning products like laundry soap, febreeze, dish soap, fabric softener (er, will be trying this soon, I should say), and many more! (Blog post with recipes/instructions coming in the near future!) There is something so satisfying about making your own products. I feel like I am contributing to the well being of my little family, as well as saving precious money. We've been fighting the debt mountain so every little bit of cash we can save goes directly towards that. It's been really hard, but we've seen favor with our debtors and have had chunks of debt just wiped clean in exchange for keeping payment arrangements. Call it what you will, but we're calling all those sweet little forgiven monies miracles.

Lastly, I'm voting this year. I've never voted in my life. I have tried to care about the issues before, but I got so frustrated with the presidential candidates that I just walked away. Not this year. There are too many issues close to home that cannot be ignored. I've followed this campaign pretty closely and I've made my informed decision and I will be voting on election day for Mitt Romney. While there is no perfect candidate, I do believe he and his running mate have a strong conviction for how to get our country up and running again. I like their values, not their religion necessarily, but that they value hard work and sacrifice. I love that both have lived semi-normal lives and have worked hard to provide for their families. I'm not a fan of wishy washy politics, or people. And our current leadership team is not working out for us. I'm looking forward to the election...and getting one of those "I Voted" stickers. ;)

That's all for me for now. If you're reading this, I pray blessings over you and yours!


P.S. Only 116 more sleeps until Christmas!!!  :)
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