Sunday, June 17, 2012

"Fathers Be Good to Your Daughters..."

Happy Fathers Day to all the Papas out there!  I hope you were spoiled rotten with love from your family!

We had the precious opportunity to spend part of the day with Aaron's dad, whom I affectionately call, "Papa B."  Obviously I call him, "Dad," but I always refer to him as Papa B when I talk about him to others.  It was a very special day for us as a family because roughly 6 months ago, we almost lost him to heart failure.  6 months later, he's alive and doing much better than that dreadful day.  His heart is functioning 5% better now!  Praise the Lord!!  We just spent some time thanking God today for keeping Papa B. here with us a little longer.  It was a sweet time indeed.

Including him, I have three glorious dads.  Each of them brings something so special to my heart and while I may not understand why God did what He did in my life, I'm so thankful that He knew I would need THREE dads to make it through this life.  ;)

Me and my biological dad a few years ago:

Spitting image, right?

My stepdad and I at my wedding:

And last, but certainly not least, Papa B!

I love my dads.  :)  There was a time in my life where I harbored bitterness and anger about how things happened in my life.  I didn't understand that God had plans for each of these men in my life and now I wouldn't trade them for the world!  I love each of them individually and I am truly blessed to call them all my father.

This was the first Father's Day where I was not really thinking about my dads.  I love them and called them and sent them all cards, but what I couldn't stop thinking about was the day that Aaron will be a dad.  I saw so many pictures of little ones with their papas and all I could daydream about was Aaron getting to be next.  The day that Aaron gets to hug his little wee ones and laugh and joke and teach them how to surf.  It wasn't in a sad way by any fact, it brought tears of joy to my eyes.  I can't wait for the day that I get to refer to him as, "Daddy" to my little ones.  :)

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you have a great Monday!!!


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