Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Sometimes You Just Have to Breathe

I love that song by Ana Nalick..."Breathe...just breathe." Sometimes I sing a bit of a mantra that fuses Ana's song and Mat Kearney's song, "Breathe in, Breath Out." I don't know why, but it helps. Maybe because it takes the focus off everything and gets me singing instead?

I caught myself singing Johnny Cash's "Get a Rhythm" the other night. "Get a rhythm, when you get the blues, come on and get a rhythm." Before I knew it, I was knee-slapping and grinning from ear to ear. I forgot how much I loved music.

It's almost 11pm and I'm blogging. That ought to tell you where I'm at. Well, maybe a little.

Quickest update (since photos are uploading and I'm at a standstill.) :

*My health condition is still stable. I was experiencing quite a bit of side effects from the medicine I'm on, but finally figured out how to combat those. You lose some ground, you gain some ground. That's just how this goes...for now. Surgery is slated for Feb...depending on health insurance and things of that annoying nature. I've been feeling OK, (aside from this pesky cold) so I'm thinking I should be just fine until Feb.

*Life moves quickly these days. Sometimes not quickly enough. But I'm doing my best to not get overwhelmed and I make lots and lots of "To-Do" lists. Sometimes I think the sole combination of prayer, my "Breathe in, Just Breathe" mantra, and all my to-do lists are what get me through the most difficult of times. Managing stress when you have a body that currently feeds on stress is an uphill battle at times. But hear me when I say that I am victorious. I may lose a battle here and there, but I'm still winning the war. ;)

*My day job just approved me to go full time! This is exciting for very obvious reasons. But I'm looking forward to working like a 'normal' person and getting an hour lunch break. (It's the little things in life.)

*Christmas is coming around the bend. I am beyond ecstatic! Christmas this year is in Vermont with my family. (We trade off each year with my parents and Aaron's parents.) This year means snuggles from my niece and nephews, sisters, brother (hopefully!), parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins and more! Plane tickets were bought at a steal of a price on Thanksgiving (who knew that was the best day to buy?!) and I squealed with delight (even if I sounded like a man) when the confirmation number came through. The Macy's parade had NOTHING on what was happening in the Baltusis household! :) Can you tell I'm excited?!

*My husband is a hard-working stud. Let me just tell you. He's put in so much overtime and helped out so much at his job that they rewarded him with a raise! As a wife, my little heartstrings were tugged just seeing the pride on his face when he came home that night. I've got a good man, I tell ya. (Who, by the way, was seen in public with me wearing my Jasper t-shirt at the Twilight premiere. He's a keeper!)

*The Nettie-Pot works wonders for sinus issues. (In case you didn't already know.) Takes some finagling and an applicable knowledge of gravity, but goodness gracious! I felt better immediately after using it! Just do yourself a favor and buy one. Keep it in your bathroom. Seriously. You'll thank me later.

*As the end of the year approaches and the new one is sneaking up on us, I've been busy dreaming. I've been thinking about my goals for 2013. Honestly, most of them have not changed. I still want to get healthy. I still want to pay off debt. I still want a healthy marriage and babies someday soon. But I guess I'm thinking about the execution of these goals a little differently. This year I was "gung-ho" and ready to fight. But little did I know, my fight was going to look completely different before the year was only 1/4 finished. I had no idea I'd be standing (sometimes laying) where I am today. But you know, this year is not marked by my health condition. I made some huge life changes this year. Changes that were more important because they were for my heart. You can't always change the outside without changing the inside first. I guess this year was supposed to be more about that. It's fine. I still win. :)

Alright, that's all I have for now. Other than we won fish at the county fair and named them Larry and Sherry because they needed fair names. (Obvs.) I hope you are well...whoever you are...wherever you are. And hey...breathe, just breathe....breathe in and breath out.  ;)



  1. Haha..See I knew you would love the Neti Pot :) Mine has been my friend ALL week! Stupid sinus infection virus :(



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