Thursday, May 31, 2012

A Day in the Life

Chances are, you don't subscribe to every single status update I make on Facebook.  (And depending on the day, it could be many, or it could be 1.)  So I figured rather than giving you this elaborate update on my life as of right now, I would just give you a look at my day today.  Then maybe you'll get a small idea of what I'm up to.  ;)

*6:45am the alarm went off.
*7:30am I crawled out of bed.  (Yes, I snooze for 45 minutes.)
*Between 7:30am and 8:45am-ish, I got ready for work.  (Yea, I have an awesome job now!)
*9am - 3:30pm Worked at my awesome Production Assistant job for a successful Christian magazine.  (Think Devil Wears Prada, minus the clothes and mean, ridiculous boss.'s nothing like Devil Wears Prada.  But it's fun!  And it keeps me busy.  Every day I'm working so hard that I look down at my clock and realize I was supposed to go home 10 minutes ago!  That's.  Awesome.)
*4pm I made my way home to kiss my hubs and snuggle my kitten.  (Worked late today.)
*4:30pm - 6pm-ish I donned my "Small Business Owner's Cap" and returned client emails for Paint Hope.  I went back and forth with the print shop trying to get an order right (only to find out I just wasn't counting properly..doh!).  I got a call for another print order so I frantically scrambled to add that to my already existing, complicated order.  (I'm seriously going to bake the guy at the print shop some cookies or a cake or something because he is so patient with me!  Everyone say a nice prayer of blessing for Daniel tonight.  That boy works hard!)
*6pm - 7pm I donned my "Housewife Cap" and figured out the finances.  Called the school to find out when we can expect our financial aid, etc.  Figured out bills and quietly rejoiced because we are finally paying our bills.  I know that sounds so weird...but after months of squeaking by on a prayer, we are finally able to pay our bills.  (Even after we had a tire blow on my car yesterday and we had to replace both back tires.)  Tomorrow will be the first time we pay rent on time, I think, this year.  Prayers of thanks and rejoicing went up in our house today.  :)  I'm looking forward to when Aaron gets a job too so we can start getting ahead.
*7pm - 8pm We splurged and ordered some Chinese from the local restaurant.  I was pretty proud of myself for only eating less than half the meal and drinking water with dinner.  Baby steps friends, baby steps.
*8pm - 8:30pm We got things in order to get ready to run.  (That's right, I run now.  ;))  I recently spent some *precious* money on some good running shoes.  Half my battle with working out is wearing the right shoes.  I've always just purchased the cheap shoes from Walmart or something, but every single time I get blisters or they dig into my ankles and it makes exercising impossible and extremely painful.  So finally we went and got some decent running shoes.   
*8:30 pm - 9:15pm We went running in the nice breeze (thanks, thunderstorm, for the cold front) and then stretched and did some sit ups and such.  It felt so good to get out there and actually run...even if I had to stop and walk a few times.  For my first time trying to run a lot, I am really proud of myself.  I started the Couch25K program, but 2 minutes of running just didn't feel like enough.  I knew I could go more so tonight I figured I would just try.  It was awesome.
*9:15pm - 10:45pm I baked cookies for the women's mentoring luncheon at work tomorrow and worked on a few other things (like this blog). 
*11pm - *12am I'm hoping to be in bed, ready to pass out!

So there you have it...a day in the life.  Unfortunately this doesn't even give a snapshot of my other days where I literally have things back to back.  (Like yesterday with my 7am photo shoot before work plus all my other odd and end things I do during a week.  Now that you've seen a snippet of my week, I hope you can understand if I haven't had a chance to, you know, hang out or even call or text.  Most days after work I'm doing homework to try to keep up with my 4 classes.  2 of my classes end on the 17th of June so I'm trying to hang on as long as I can to finish these intensive ones and then I'll have a little more free time.  And by little, I mean none (as opposed to absolutely none).  ;)

Hopefully you are doing well and having a happy summer!  (I can officially say that now, I think.)



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