Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: My Year in Review and Plans for 2013

I don't know about you, but I'm desperately trying to get through this final day of 2012 without being overcome with emotion.

This was my year. At least it was supposed to be. But looking at where I was this time last year and comparing it to where I am now...I must admit I've fallen short.

Excerpt from last year's year in review:

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tomorrow is Not Promised

With all the tragedy and death happening around me lately ( in my backyard), I've felt this overwhelming feeling of mortality. 

I've found myself wanting to tidy up my affairs. 

I've never so deeply desired to make a will before.

I've had an overwhelming urge to purge everything unnecessary in my home and in my life.

I've had the strongest desire to snuggle my loved ones tight.

I linger in hugs a little longer than usual.

I have had more Grace for my mistakes....because in the grand scheme of things, will I remember everything I forgot to do or will I smile at all the things I did do?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

When Things Just Aren't Going Your Way...

Have you ever been there?

You know where I'm talking about.

Found here

The place where your feet touch together and you are looking around at what your life has become and you're overcome with the point of grief even.

Do you ever wish you could just be better.

Do you ever wish things could be different?

I have. I am wishing. I'm right here...right in that place where my feet are touching together and I'm just staring around at a life I never dreamed for myself.

I am not my circumstances. But my circumstances can certainly affect who I am.

Little by little I've watched life slip out of my tiny little hands. What I thought I had control of, I don't. At least not anymore. Everything has changed.

I won't launch back into my struggle right now. But what I want to talk about is the snowball effect.
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